Public transport available to travellers in the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel.

To get around during your stay, you can rent a car or a bicycle, use public and private public transport, or call a taxi company.

Bus lines

The nearest station to Mont Saint-Michel is located 9 km away, in the town of Pontorson. Buses from this station run all year round to serve the Merveille.

come by bus to Mont Saint Michel

Nomad, the Normandy transport network

  • Lines serving Avranches :

Find more information at :

Line 306 Avranches <> Saint-Lô

Line 307 Granville <> Avranches

Line 309 Avranches <> Vire-Normandie

  • The lines serving Mont Saint-Michel :

Line 308 Granville <> Le Mont-Saint-Michel

Find more information at :

Transport from Brittany

  • BreizhGo lines serving the Pontorson-Mont Saint-Michel bus station (9km from Mont Saint-Michel):

Pontorson <> Dol de Bretagne (35) – line 17a

Pontorson <> Fougères (35) – line 17b

Pontorson <> Saint-Malo (35) – line 17 summer

  • The Kéolis Armor lines

Rennes <> Le-Mont-Saint-Michel

Saint-Malo <> Le-Mont-Saint-Michel 

Other lines for coach transport :

Access to Mont Saint-Michel
Footbridge to Mont Saint-Michel

Train lines

The tourist information office in Avranches can help you to book train tickets. Tel. : +33 (0)2 33 58 00 22.

  • The Mont Saint-Michel train“: from Paris-Montparnasse, with tickets available from €29 each way, train from Paris then bus connection directly to Mont Saint-Michel. 
  • TGV from Paris-Montparnasse to Rennes (2h00), then connections by TER from Rennes to Pontorson followed by a bus to Le Mont Saint-Michel.
  • TGV from Paris Montparnasse to Dol de Bretagne (2h40), bus connections from Dol-de-Bretagne to Pontorson then bus from Pontorson to Le Mont Saint-Michel.
  •  NOMAD train from Paris Saint-Lazare to Caen, then connection (TER) from Caen to Pontorson.

SNCF information : and Tel. : 3635

On the same topic

How to get to the Mont Saint-Michel – Normandy destination ?

By foot and bicycle

By foot and bicycle

By car, motorbike and camping van

By car, motorbike and camping van

By train, plane and ferry

By train, plane and ferry